
Meeting Minutes July 2021

Meeting started at 6:41 followed by the pledge

50/50 collected $70, $35 to the club, $35 to

16 Present at Green Gables, no Zoom for election, 1 Visitor

Minutes were read

Dan AA3LS motions, Tom AA3EY seconds


Karl KA1FSX is away taking care of his mother

And Rules and Regs for Harford Fair

Revenue starting June 26, 2021, $1,818.89. Expenditures of $100.25 for Field Day brought July starting treasury to $1,718.64. Expenditures till July 22, 2021, Hartford Fair $210.00. August starting treasury $1,508.64. Revenue at this writing for August, $35- for 50/50 and $105- received from W3LTR for 50% of cost for Hartford booth.

Jim KC2LEB motions, Karen W3OOF seconds

Field Day points 2252, second best in some time, with less stations

Suggestion for 2022 Field Day

Contact churches, Boy & Girl Scouts to try to solicit young unlicensed folks to participate, and make sure all equipment used is working at 100%.


All invited to Tony Gerchman K3BK memorial August 14th at 11AM being held at the North Jackson Cemetery.

Harford Fair 16 through 21, we need volunteers for 4-hour shifts. John will send out a calendar for folks to sign up. Free entry for folks who help out.

13 Colonies was fun, more people should give it a try


July 28 Dave KC3PZJ

August 4 John KC1FWU

August 11 Jim KC2LEB

August 18 Skip AB3ZD

August 25 Tom AA3EY

16 Dinners


Constitution says election is supposed to be in December

Dave KC3PZJ Event Coordinator ACCEPTED

Austin N3ASO Secretary ACCEPTED

Graham W3GAA Treasurer ACCEPTED

Ed K3EDO Vice President ACCEPTED

John KC1FWU President ACCEPTED

Shirt w/ Logo on side $7.50

Shirt w/ Logo on side and back $8.50

Shirt w/ Name and call on other side +$2.50

Polo Logo + Call\name $16

Pullover $16

Hoodie $20

Hats? Jackets?

Motion to adjourn by Evelyn N3EVI, seconded by John KC1FWU

Meeting adjourned at 8:07

Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO