
Meeting Minutes July 2024

Meeting started at 7:02, followed by the pledge 18 Present at Green Gables, incl. 0 visitors present Minutes were read Bill N9WS motions to accept, Tim KC3UXW seconds Treasurers report was read by Walter N3SRI $1295.85 end of May $65 Deposit $45 50/50 won by Bill $1360.85 at end of June* Jerry KB3JDO motions, Tom […]


Meeting Minutes June 2024

Meeting started at 7:02, followed by the pledge 18 Present at Green Gables, incl. 0 visitors present ELECTIONS President John McEwing KC1FWU Vice President Ed Orthouse K3EDO Treasurer Walter Pratt N3SRI Secretary Austin Orthouse N3ASO Activity Coordinator Kristie Beier KC3WRP Kevin II motions to close Nominations* Kevin II motions for Secretary to cast paper ballot, […]


Meeting Minutes May 2024

Meeting started at 7:00, starting with a Quick Discussion on Repeater Use, followed by the pledge 24 Present at Green Gables, incl. 1 visitors present Minutes were read Timmy KC3UXW motions to accept, Dan AA3LS seconds Treasurers report was read by Walter N3SRI $1774.43 end of April Signs check was void, new was written for […]


Meeting Minutes April 2024

Meeting started at 7:05, starting with a Quick Discussion on Contesting, followed by the pledge 18 Present at Green Gables, incl. 0 visitors present Minutes were read Barbara KC3TJN motions to accept, Walter N3SRI seconds Treasurers report was read by Walter N3SRI $1593.59 end of March Deposit of $60 for dues of new members $265 […]


Meeting Minutes March 2024

Meeting started at 7:13, followed by the pledge. Evelyn started getting antsy at 6:44 23 Present at Green Gables, incl. 3 visitors present Minutes were read Timmy KC3UXW motions to accept, Herb KD2CMB seconds Treasurers report was read by Walter N3SRI $1108.48 end of January $218 $343 $1669.48 end of February -$16.49 for domain -$59.40 […]


Meeting Minutes February 2024

Meeting started at 7:01, followed by the pledge 24 Present at Green Gables, incl. 4 visitors present Minutes were read Bill N9WS motions to accept, Jim KC2LEB seconds Dave AC3S has stepped down as treasurer, replacement needed. Walter N3SRI was Nominated by Ed K3EDO, Seconded by Jim KC2LEB. Walter N3SRI is the new Treasurer* $108, […]


Meeting Minutes January 2024

Meeting started at 6:59 with an antsy Evelyn, followed by the pledge 20 Present at Green Gables, incl. 0 visitors present Minutes were read Kevin KC3KEV motions to accept, Matt KD2YWB seconds $1051.58 December $756 for Christmas Lunch $813 collected $96, $48 to winner 50/50 $1108.41 January Walter N3SRI motions, Tom AA3EY seconds Dues are […]


Meeting Minutes December 2023

Call to order 2:24pm Coorspondents John messed up, now inundated with offers Tom wrote last months minutes There is money in the bank New members Jimmy Passed Technician Nets Through 27th Nets Jan 3 walter N3SRI Jan 10 don KD2TIV Jan 17 john KC1FWU Jan 24 austin N3ASO Dinners 30 Old Business Stonehedge golf course, […]


Meeting Minutes November 2023

Meeting called to order at 7pm, followed by the pledge.Discussion regarding local repeaters ensued.Zach Landon, a visitor, introduced himself and his history and interests Minutes were read from the October meeting. Tom AA3EY, moved to accept minutes. Walter N3SRI seconded. Treasurers report read. Current balance is $1313.20. Kevin KC3KEV moved to accept the Treasurers report. […]


Meeting Minutes October 2023

Meeting started at 7:08 followed by the pledge 26 Present at Green Gables, incl. 2 visitors present, John reminisces about his pen Minutes were read, corrections made on site Kevin KC3KEV motions to accept, Walter N3SRI seconds $1801.89 end of September * Tent, Lunch for QSO Party antenna hangers, Fuel $61 50/50 $280 future expenditure […]