Meeting started at 6:52 followed by the pledge
15 Present at Green Gables, 2 visitors
3 people for testing, all passed
Minutes were read
Tom AA3EY motions to accept, Evelyn N3EVI seconds
$2136.35 for January
315 from due
$92 50/50
~$1100 previous year
Dan AA3LS motions, Dave AC3S seconds
Herb Flint KD2CMB
Barbara Korteling KC3TJN
Matt Magda NEW HAM
Dues received from 2 members not present
2022 Winter Field Day with W3LTR at J&C Granite went wonderfully, many thanks to Joe for the invitation, and to Marilyn for all the great cooking
7:00PM on Wednesday
March 2 Dan AA3LS
March 9 Dave AC3S
March 16 Gannon KC3HWR
March 23 John KC1FWU
Monday nights 7PM HF Net 3.964, 8PM VHF Net 147.000
Tuesday nights 7PM HF Digital Net 3.588, 8PM HF 3.969
Dinners 15
Shirts and such can be setup through a website through a local company, cutting out the middle man, allowing question direct
Should our venue change, or should it stay where we are?
John would like to set aside an antenna day(s) in April or May
John has created a management plan for the Susquehanna EOC Volunteer Amatuers
1st in our category for Field Day, 15th in the Country
Motion to adjourn by Tom AA3EY, seconded by Dan AA3LS
Meeting adjourned at 7:57
Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO