
Meeting Minutes May 2021

Meeting started by Evelyn N3EVI at 6:30 followed by the pledge

18 Present at Green Gables, 3 on Zoom

Intro of visitors, Bill

Tom AA3EY motions, Graham W3GAA seconds

Unofficial treasures report with the absence of the Club Treasurer was given by President John

$35 collected 50/50, dues from several people to be added to the 1839.85, 14.99 removed for zoom for the month

Renewal for Club insurance $205, Graham W3GAA motions, George KB3ZMF second

John will shop for Insurance companies for the future

$25+20 added in new dues

2 applications for membership

Cindy Wood WN3TOH Accepted

William Stockslager N9WS Accepted


Hartford Fair has reviewed and approved our application as a vender

VHF/HF station will be present, booth must be manned from 10a to 10p 16-21, 10a-11p Fri-Sat, asking for volunteers for about an hour at a time

$210 for booth, passes free for volunteers

Possibly gather a list of people interested in a Technician class

Darwin WD4GXT motions, Karl KA1FSX seconds

Possible room at the Wayne County Fair as well

July 4th Montrose Parade, a float with our name on it

Anyone can help, John KC1FWU and Karl asking to use the Club Name at the least

Graham motions, Ed K3EDO seconds

Is the Club interested in running a Hamfest at St. Pauls in the early Fall?

Tabled til Field Day

Field Day will be at the Montrose Fair Grounds, meet 24 or 25 based on rain for lines

5 rigs plus GOTA

June VHF Contest 12th-14th


June 2 Skip AB3ZD

June 9 Karl KA1FSX

June 16 Kelly-Jo KB3ZMG

June 23 John KC1FWU

Dinners 15



Gannon KC3HWR will become an Eagle Scout on June 6th

Motion to adjourn by Evelyn N3EVI, seconded by Karl

Meeting adjourned at 7:43

Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO