Meeting started at 6:31 followed by the pledge
14 Present at Green Gables
Minutes were read for December Christmas Party
Darwin WD4GXT motioned to accept treasury report, Austin N3ASO seconds
Ed K3EDO motioned to accept minutes, Jerry KB3JDO seconds
Dan AA3LS motions to accept, Ed K3EDO seconds
Dec $2894.34 -317.99 Anytone -350 GC -100 Lotto -370 Party missing members [+380 Christmas Party] $2136.35 January
($300 in dues collected so far)
Still due $430 10 People, 6 in the mail (after meeting, 9 People)
Austin N3ASO motions, Ed K3EDO seconds
Tom is in Cali
2022 Winter Field Day with W3LTR at J&C Granite
2022 Field Day 24-26 June
John is considering a General Class Zoom-Based 80-20 class, with potential testing at Field Day 2022
5:30 Testing February 24 Club Meeting ready for Tech and General Class Licenses
7:00PM on Wednesday
Feb 2 Dan AA3LS
Feb 9 Dave AC3S
Feb 16 Open, give John KC1FWU an email, or there will be no net this night
Feb 23 Austin N3ASO
Monday nights 7PM HF Net 3.964, 8PM VHF Net 147.000
Tuesday nights 7PM HF Digital Net 3.588, 8PM HF 3.969
Dinners 12
T-Shirts, New Shirts
Field Day at the Montrose Fairgrounds?
Do we want to do the Harford Fair; are more people willing to come and man the booth, need more than just 2 people guaranteed
(After meeting, Club Picnic during field day?)
John will be doing a presentation on Propagation for the February Meeting, so come up with questions
Motion to adjourn by Dan AA3LS, seconded by Jim KC2LEB
Meeting adjourned at 7:30
Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO