Elmer Taylor KM3E/SK Equipment

Power SuppliesPriceImages
Astron RS-20$120
Homebrew (Heavy)$50
VHF Engineering (Heavy)$100
Astron 50A$300
Volt/Ohm MetersPriceImages
IBM Digital VOM (fluke)$125
Box of assorted VOM’s$100/Unit
Alinco DR140
No backlight
Alinco DR140
No backlight
Alinco DR110
No display
Alinco DR130 Tranceiver$105
Yaesu FT726R VHF Multimod XCVR$412.50
Yaesu FT101zD HF Tranceiver$462.50
Yaesu FV101Z External VFO$120
Cushcraft Beam 6meter$200
3 element 20-15-10 meter trap Yagi$100
Many on house roof – to be determined$ Free You Take Down & Remove
Dry Dummy Loads @150 watt Limit – Total 2$27.50/Unit
Rotators and controllers – Total 5$185/Unit
MFJ keyer-reader MFJ464$72.50
TenTec paddles-keyer KR20A$72.50
Bird Wattmeter 43/50w 100-250 MHZ slug/500w2-30MHZ$325
MFJ Antenna Analyzer 259B$150
MFJ 890 DX Beacon Monitor$125
Kantronics Universal Terminal Unit$70
Surface mount 853D Solder Station$85
Box of noise bridge SWR meters$100
Box of FT726 assorted 440 module/2 meter module to reboard & controller$150
West Mountain Radio RigBlaster Pro$120
2-amprobe clamp on ampere meters$10/Unit
More MiscPrice (No Club Discount*)
8 Yaesu hats$1 Donation to Club
Amtron amp relay$85/Unit
Mirage 2 meter amp model b1016$10
Yaesu acc tub$10/Tub*
hookup wire tub$10/Tub*
RCA cables 2$10/Tub*
coax connectors$10/Tub*
jones plugs$10/Tub*
head phones$20/Tub*
mobile antenna parts 2$10/Tub*
mic breakout box$20/Tub*
RF modulator/battery chargers$25/Tub*
hookup wire tub$10/Tub*
computer mice/camera$10/Tub*
radio programming software yaesu/cables$10/Tub*
misc adapters$10/Tub*
3.5 cables$10/Tub*
CW StuffPriceImages
TRS-80 Model 4P computer$300
Morse Machine$150
MFJ 461$150
practice keys 3$70/Unit
code training material$1 Donation to Club
paddle keys 2$100/Unit