Meeting started at 7:05, starting with a Quick Discussion on Contesting, followed by the pledge
18 Present at Green Gables, incl. 0 visitors present
Minutes were read
Barbara KC3TJN motions to accept, Walter N3SRI seconds
Treasurers report was read by Walter N3SRI
$1593.59 end of March
Deposit of $60 for dues of new members
$265 additional deposits
$1918.59 at end of April
Cindy WN3TOH motions, Kristie KC3WRP seconds
$1774.59 with paying Kevin II for the signs
Rookie Round-up was a good time, a good experience for all. Mom wants to contest more!
Rookie Round-up almost ready, 5 stations, getting setup Saturday preferably Noon. Test session Sunday at 12AM
Letters for Field Day have been sent out
Eclipse Contest
7:00PM on Wednesday
May1 Walter N3SRI
May 8 Austin N3ASO
May 15Marie KC3YIZ
May 22 Kristie KC3WRP
Monday nights 7PM HF Net 3.964, 8PM VHF Net 147.000
Tuesday nights 7PM HF Digital Net 3.588, 8PM HF 7.254
Wednesday nights 7PM N3SRC Net 145.430
Dinners 21
John has donated $200 to the Club for the Modified at the Fairgrounds for the tent, donations are welcome, as the raffle will be put off for a year and brought up again then. ~$850 will be needed for the material for the tent
The connex box will also be set back similar to the raffle
Volunteers for cutting the Fairgrounds are welcome, 4 times a year minimum
Tom is in charge of mowing from now until September.
Stonehenge is still on the docket for raising a little money
Decision on Harford Fair can be made between now and Mid-June, potentially hold off
Equinunk members will not be here for the July meeting, elections potentially moved to following month.
Motion by John for election to be moved to July 22nd, overridden
Motion by Walter for election to be moved to 27th of June for the 2024-2025 year
Barbara KC3TJN motions, Cindy WN3TOH seconds
July meeting date/time changed?
Walter motions we all go see Hank Jr.!
Walter actually motions to get a co-coordinator in events
Potential to move July meeting to the 18th, pending schedule discussion with Jen
Kevin II’s antenna hanging will be May the 4th at 10 for all that would like to help
Marconi Day this Saturday! Event will be held at the Rumble Ponies Railroad Terminal, now a resturant
John has resigned as the ARES Coordinator for Susquehanna County after over a year of constant roadblocks from the Gibson EOC
John is now the Emergency Coordinator for the Northeastern Region of Pennsylvania
Motion to adjourn by Walter N3SRI, seconded by Jim KC2LEB
Meeting adjourned at 8:47
Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO