
Meeting Minutes November 2021

Meeting started at 6:37 followed by the pledge 18 Present at Green Gables, Incl. Visitors Minutes were read Darwin WD4GXT motions to accept, Evelyn N3EVI seconds $101 50/50 Last Month + $70 for post office GT= $1588.89 $25 From dues 1568.64 $101 from the 50/50. incomplete pricing for the raffle tickets $44.95, $44.99? for tickets […]


Meeting Minutes October 2021

Meeting started at 6:35 followed by the pledge 50/50 collected $122, $61 to the club, $61 to the Winner 18 Present at Green Gables, Incl.1 Visitors Minutes were read Jim KC2LEB motions to accept, Ed K3EDO seconds CORRESPONDENTS PA QSO Party QSL Cards Steve Wilson WB8III Frank Danisienka N1IQC Alan Carpenter W8SP Cards will be […]


Meeting Minutes September 2021

Meeting started at 6:35 followed by the pledge 50/50 collected $90, $45 to the club, $45 to the Winner 15 Present at Green Gables, 0 Visitors Minutes were read Tom AA3EY motions to accept, Ed K3EDO seconds CORRESPONDENTS Harford Fair has sent a Thank You note, thanking us, as well as, hopefully, welcoming us back […]


Meeting Minutes August 2021

Meeting started at 6:45 followed by the pledge 50/50 collected $67, $35 to the club, $35 to the Winner 12 Present at Green Gables, 2 Visitors Scott Aylesworth from the Sus EMA present to welcome us to the EMA circle Minutes were read Ed K3EDO motions to accept, Darwin WD4GXT seconds Scott presents his massive […]


Meeting Minutes July 2021

Meeting started at 6:41 followed by the pledge 50/50 collected $70, $35 to the club, $35 to 16 Present at Green Gables, no Zoom for election, 1 Visitor Minutes were read Dan AA3LS motions, Tom AA3EY seconds CORESPONDENTS Karl KA1FSX is away taking care of his mother And Rules and Regs for Harford Fair Revenue […]


Meeting Minutes June 2021

Meeting started at 6:30 followed by the pledge 17 Present at Green Gables, 3 on Zoom Gannon gave mentor credit to John, and had 25 merits over the requirement to become the Eagle Scout he is today Minutes read and noted in Minutes Graham W3GAA motions, Tom AA3EY seconds PO Box not full of Mulligans […]


Meeting Minutes May 2021

Meeting started by Evelyn N3EVI at 6:30 followed by the pledge 18 Present at Green Gables, 3 on Zoom Intro of visitors, Bill Tom AA3EY motions, Graham W3GAA seconds Unofficial treasures report with the absence of the Club Treasurer was given by President John $35 collected 50/50, dues from several people to be added to […]


Meeting Minutes April 2021

Meeting started 6:40 followed by pledge, no Evelyn present 10 present at Green Gables, 9 on ZOOM Minutes read, Tom worries about his dues Tom AA3EY motions to accept, Darwin WD4GXT seconds CORESPONDENTS Club Bank Card and checks are in our possession Treasures Report, $218.84 from closed Visions account, $1839.85 altogether ZOOM account acquired for […]


Meeting Minutes March 2021

Meeting started 6:36PM followed by pledge 8 present at Green Gables, 8 on ZOOM Secretary’s Report read Ed K3EDO moves, Tom AA3EY seconds Issues with Club Bank Account found, have been rectified Treasures Report, 1839.85, John still wants to pester for dues. Visions account will be closed. 1452 last year Ed motions, Jim KC2LEB seconds […]


Meeting Minutes Feb 2021

Meeting started 6:48 pm followed by pledge 10 present at Green Gables, 5 on ZOOM Secretary’s Report read George KB3ZMF moves, Dan AA3LS seconds Corespondents from James Straub KB3VQL, Scott Township. Application for Marilyn N3AGG, money included, membership accepted Treasures Report the same, doing average based on past years George moves, Ed K3EDO seconds COMMITTEE […]