
Meeting Minutes Dec 2020

Meeting started 6:42

12 present Zoom

No visitors

Minutes read, Tom AA3EY motions, Ed K3EDO seconds

John KC1FWU will be moving Club License to his name to retain ARRL Cert

Raffle added $630


$1254.85 as of Dec, Austin N3ASO motions, Ed seconds

Dues still Due February


Karl KA1FSX still not present for report on PA QSO Party

John suggest meeting to discuss minor changes to the website

Net Controls for Dec

Tom Dec 23

Kelly-jo Dec 30

John Jan 6

Tom Jan 13

Tom Jan 20

Austin Jan 27

Old Business

Winter Field Day brought up, tabled until Karl can be wrangled into a meeting

New Business

Hopefully in-person meeting in January


Evelyn N3EVI is doing good


David Jones KC3PZJ Graham Ed Accepted

James Sellars KC2CXI Tom Kelly-jo Accepted

Darwin WD4GXT motions to adjourn, Ed seconds

Respectfully submitted by Austin, N3ASO

APPROVED 1/28/2021