Meeting started 6:48 pm followed by pledge
10 present at Green Gables, 5 on ZOOM
Secretary’s Report read
George KB3ZMF moves, Dan AA3LS seconds
Corespondents from James Straub KB3VQL, Scott Township. Application for Marilyn N3AGG, money included, membership accepted
Treasures Report the same, doing average based on past years
George moves, Ed K3EDO seconds
Karl KA1FSX looking to do POTA Events with the club
N3KZ Elk repeater to be repaired eventually once the snow clears
March 3 Dan AA3LS
March 10 Skip AB3ZD
March 17 Tom AA3EY
March 24 John FC1FWU
Dinners 10
Technician License Class discussion from Jim KC2LEB
Preferably hour and a half sessions
Club ZOOM Account, maybe Google Classroom?
6 month approval for ZOOM Account
80 y/o and up not required to pay dues as recognition
Tabled for the future
Hats, t-shirts and such for going to Hamfests and such
John will return with pricing
Dan wants to move the domain to another entity
John put together a calendar out of dirt for coming events for the year
Proposed picnic in September
August event recognizing and honoring Silent Keys from the Club and beyond
Field Day at the Fairgrounds yay or nay
Should look for more foreign locations for some change-up
John will still look into the Fairgrounds
What’s a Braknee
New members, Marilyn W3AGG
Move to adjourn George KB3ZMF, motion by Jim KC2LEB, second by Karen
Respectfully submitted by Austin N3ASO