The Susquehanna County Amateur Radio Club’s members and other interested Amateur Radio operators meet on-the-air each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM (Eastern Time, standard or daylight savings).
Jeff DePolo, WN3A, the owner and licensee of the N3KZ repeater system has given us permission to use his Susquehanna County repeater, located on the South Knob of Elk Mountain in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
The net includes announcements of nets, meetings and special events sponsored by the Susquehanna County Amateur Radio Club and other clubs in the vicinity, and of interest to Club members, Amateur Radio operators generally, and to others interested in radio technology. The net ends with a call for Swap-n-Shop activity, if any.
The Susquehanna County ARES net follows the Club’s weekly net at 8PM.
The technical details:
- Wednesdays 7:00 PM
- N3KZ Repeater — Elk Mountain South Knob
- 145.430 MHz
- PL 77.0
- Susquehanna ARES net follows at 8:00 PM
- SCARC Elk Mountain Net Preamble (.PDF, needs Adobe Reader)
- SCARC Montrose Backup Net Preamble (.PDF, needs Adobe Reader)
- SCARC Net Log PDF(PDF Version)
- SCARC Net Log odt Open Office Format
- Repeater Operation Tips(.PDF, needs Adobe Reader)
- Other clubs’ and ARES nets(.PDF, needs Adobe Reader)
- Other Coordinated Repeaters in Eastern PA
- Other Coordinated Repeaters in Central NY