
Meeting Minutes Feb 2021

Meeting started 6:48 pm followed by pledge 10 present at Green Gables, 5 on ZOOM Secretary’s Report read George KB3ZMF moves, Dan AA3LS seconds Corespondents from James Straub KB3VQL, Scott Township. Application for Marilyn N3AGG, money included, membership accepted Treasures Report the same, doing average based on past years George moves, Ed K3EDO seconds COMMITTEE […]


Meeting Minutes Jan 2021

Meeting started 6:42 pm 6 LIVE 12 ZOOM present 1 visitors Minutes accepted by Ed K3EDO, seconded by Darwin WD4GXT John FC1FWU with corespondents renewal for Club Call, John and Ed sign to renew Interesting emails regarding Craig AB2CT in regards to local repeaters Received more dues, 2 checks from John Lasher, 1 to be […]


Meeting Minutes Dec 2020

Meeting started 6:42 12 present Zoom No visitors Minutes read, Tom AA3EY motions, Ed K3EDO seconds John KC1FWU will be moving Club License to his name to retain ARRL Cert Raffle added $630 $1254.85 $1254.85 as of Dec, Austin N3ASO motions, Ed seconds Dues still Due February COMMITTE REPORTS Karl KA1FSX still not present for […]